Saturday, March 27, 2010

Some pics I took ...

was camera happy today ;)

my indoor garden I just love plants!

I always let him out the window and he always gets back in

Al was being nosey so I snapped a pic of him too
hes a plated lizard from Africa

My garden

It was beautiful out I hope everyone had a great day! Here is a picking I did from my
I added 3 more strawberry plants and planted more seeds, most of what you see are from seeds.
I will be using containers for now on since the ground here is not so great and I will be moving anyway :)

Check out this website how-to-grow-vegetables-and-fruits

Tomatoes, peppers and cilantro
( in long containers)

Strawberries, peppers and tomato

also cilantro and onion

Green house thanks to my sis!

Don't know what these are I had a few packets of mixed flowers seeds

I noticed a pepper today and there are a lot of buds