Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Konad Addict!

I've been on a Nail kick lately and I just love Konad Nail Art Stamping!
I've been getting a few plates here and there from joyfulexpressions she is great and has wonderful deals! (Thanks Sherry ;)

Also on her website you can enter to win a free kit she does a monthly drawing that's how I got my kit!

I Just got The KONAD Nail Art Image Plate Book it has 70 full colour pages of nail art design ideas. Each page features 28 nail art designs of each image plate.

Also instead of using a CD holder to hold all my plates I found on YouTube a video from a girl who had a wonderful idea check out the link to Why Buy the konad book?

Here are a few pics

Added a few Jems stones

Thanks for checking out my blog

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