Thursday, July 9, 2020

Mango Madness

My friend has an amazing Mango Tree in his yard.  It has tons of Mangoes.  I am so going to take advantage ;)

I found some that just fell off the tree ,  I cleaned them up and let them dry out. 

After they dried out I opened them up and planted them in cups. 
Be sure to plant the seed sideways. Do not bury deep just lightly cover it. 

I did this in small cups, then l moved them over to larger ones. 
I am in desperate need of pots. These days they are hard to come by.  People are waking up and growing their own.

I added them to a mixture of Coconut Coir , Perlite and Potting soil

I do have my own Mango tree, however it not as large as my friends

My goal is to learn how to graft the young Mango (Rootstock) with a Scion (Bud or shoot from fruiting tree).

also if you look closely , you will see tinfoil in the tree.
I am learning how to air layer, in a few weeks we will see how that turned out.

Thanks for Checking out my Dig!
Love , Peace and Happiness
Debbie 💗

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